Nitzotzot Reflection: Part 2

Nitzotzot Reflection: Part 2

  As we welcomed visitors for our second session visitors day of summer 2019, we also said our heartfelt goodbyes to the many campers who headed home. For Nitzotzot campers, Marcia, Mala and Misha, visitor’s day marked a very bittersweet day for their early camp...
Nitzotzot Reflection: Part 1

Nitzotzot Reflection: Part 1

In the summer, many of our youngest campers stay for shorter sessions, making it even more important to reflect on their experiences in the middle of an action-packed summer. We had a chance to talk to Nitzotzot campers  Micah, Asher, and Nathan, who left on visitors...
Shabbat Shalom from Maple Lake

Shabbat Shalom from Maple Lake

Hello from Maple Lake! We have had an action-packed week full of amazing programming. After a meaningful Pride Shabbat last weekend, our community seemed even closer as we began another new and exciting week at camp. This week, we had a fantastic time in and around...
Looking at the Challenges in our World

Looking at the Challenges in our World

By Dara Lithwick, Week 6 Faculty Member This week our tikkun olam/ social action Project Barak group focused on identifying and explaining the issues that are most impacting our world. Like Moses does in this week’s Torah portion, Devarim (the start of...
The Best Things Around Camp

The Best Things Around Camp

Zane, Braydon, and Cole are three, first time Nitzotzot campers who left camp on Sunday at the end of the 10-day session. We checked in with them before they departed to see the top 10 things they are going to miss about camp. Friends- “Being able to spend over a week...