Introducing Our Summer 2020 Rosh Lehavot
We are thrilled to introduce our summer 2020 Rosh Lehavot, Bryanna Feldman.
Introducing Our Summer 2020 Community Care Assistant
We are thrilled to introduce our summer 2020 Community Care Assistant, Jess Shindler-Glass.
Introducing Our Summer 2020 Food, Facility and Logistics Director
We are thrilled to introduce our summer 2020 Food, Facility and Logistics Director, Heidi Rybak.
Introducing Our Summer 2020 Rosh Nitzotzot
We are thrilled to introduce our summer 2020 Rosh Nitzotzot, Danielle D’Onofrio.
Introducing Our Summer 2020 Rosh C.I.T.
We are thrilled to introduce our summer 2020 Rosh C.I.T., Ali Shapiro.
Introducing Our Summer 2020 Rosh Adventure
We are thrilled to introduce summer 2020 Rosh Adventure, Aviv Naftali.
Introducing Our Summer 2020 Rosh Kochavim
We are thrilled to introduce summer 2020 Kochavim Unit Head, Julia Helfman.
Meet Margery and Stanley
We are the Hecht-Kugelmass family. We became aware of Camp George shortly after it’s inception in 1999. We are grateful to live in a community which supports several Jewish day and overnight camps. Camp George fills a need within Toronto’s Reform Jewish community and...
Meet Gavin Herman
As a child and teenager, I did not attend a residential camp, and only occasionally attended a summer day camp. Rather, my family and I enjoyed a summer cottage on one of the many lakes in the Kawartha region of Ontario. Swimming, water skiing, and mosquitos were...