by mbromstein | Aug 10, 2022 | Leadership, Summer 2022, Uncategorized
MEET A FEW OF OUR CIT’S & LEARN ABOUT OUR PROGRAM A CIT is a ‘Counselor in Training’ and over the summer they develop their leadership skills and learn how to become counselors by working in specialty areas or being placed in a cabin for one week at a time....
by mbromstein | Jul 25, 2022 | Leadership, Summer 2022, Uncategorized
MEET THE WATERFRONT STAFF Ski Elysha Why did you choose to be a Ski specialist? I grew up at camp loving ski, and dreamed of working on ski! Maple lake is the best, and my job is awesome! Cale What is your favorite thing about Ski? My favourite part about ski is...
by mbromstein | Jul 20, 2022 | Israel, Leadership, Summer 2022
Hiking the National Trail of Israel with our Mishlachat! Yom Yisrael Day – July 2022 As we are reflecting on highlights from first session, we sat down with our Rosh Mishlachat, Lior, who spearheaded our camp-wide Yom Yisrael! The theme this year was ‘The...
by mbromstein | May 20, 2022 | Leadership, Summer 2022, Uncategorized
This Sunday, 8 Camp George staff will be flying to Waynesboro, PA to participate in the Cornerstone Seminar offered by the Foundation for Jewish Camps (FJC)! This is an exciting opportunity to gather with 60+ camps and develop skills in camp programming and Jewish...
by mbromstein | Apr 28, 2022 | Israel, Leadership, Summer 2022, Uncategorized
Meet our Mishlachat for Summer 2022! Name: Mika Hello everyone! My name is Mika, and I’m going to be an Counselor at George this year! I come from Petah Tikva, a big city which is a suburb of Tel Aviv, but this year I am a UJA ShinShinit at Temple...
by mbromstein | Apr 25, 2022 | Alumni, Caring Community, Leadership, Summer 2022, Uncategorized
See firsthand the power of camp and our Scholarship Fund – meet Olivia Hi everyone! My name is Olivia and I have been part of the Camp George family for 10 summers, all thanks to the scholarship fund. I truly believe that summer camp changes the life of every child...