by Jess James | Dec 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hello Camp George! You may have seen a new face around camp a few times this summer, and on our Social Media accounts, but we’d like to officially introduce our new Development Director, Lauren Grundland! Lauren grew up going to one of our amazing URJ camps, OSRUI in...
by Jess James | Nov 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Each season, two of our summer staff are honoured with the prestigious Sam Award. This award, which was named in honour of past benefactor and committee chair Sam Reisman, was first given in 2007. It is presented to two Camp George staff members who best exemplify the...
by Jess James | Oct 1, 2019 | Summer 2019
As we welcomed visitors for our second session visitors day of summer 2019, we also said our heartfelt goodbyes to the many campers who headed home. For Nitzotzot campers, Marcia, Mala and Misha, visitor’s day marked a very bittersweet day for their early camp...
by Jess James | Sep 18, 2019 | Summer 2019
In the summer, many of our youngest campers stay for shorter sessions, making it even more important to reflect on their experiences in the middle of an action-packed summer. We had a chance to talk to Nitzotzot campers Micah, Asher, and Nathan, who left on visitors...
by Jess James | Aug 29, 2019 | Alumni
By: Veronica (Ronnie) Botnick, alumna This past summer was the first summer in 10 years that I was not at Camp George. I knew this was going to be my fate in September when I enrolled in a course called “Rwanda: Culture, Society, and Reconstruction”. Along with...