Spotlighting Changemakers: Eve Tackles Mental Health
Meet Eve Haras, one of Camp George’s incredible changemakers. Eve is a 3rd year counselor, having spent the last decade calling Camp George her home. Though she had hoped to be up at camp this summer, Eve is using her time to make camp an even more supportive place...
Meet Flat George
We are excited to introduce the newest member of our Camp George family, “Flat George.” For those of you who are familiar with the children’s book, Flat Stanley, “Flat George” is the same idea with a camp twist! Flat George is looking to go on summer adventures with...
It is time for Tikkun Olam, just not the kind you think.
Ryan Leszner, Camper, CIT, Staff 2002-2012 The phrase "Tikkun Olam", translated as repairing the world, is a common phrase amongst liberal Jews that enforces our commitment to social justice. We use it as a mantra to justify the good things we do in the world, whether...
A Note from Jeff and KK
It has been almost three weeks since we gathered in our virtual space for our Opening Day Ceremony. Since then we have had so much fun together in our Beyond Maple Lake programs. We have competed in Kahoot trivia, crafted, debated, explored Israel, sang and danced! It...
Welcome to Opening Day
Welcome to Opening Day!! There is no question that today might be the most unique Opening Day we have had since our inaugural summer in 1999. Still, we have no doubt that like every other Opening Day this one will be complete with excitement and a few nerves. We may...
Celebrating Pride Month
In June, we celebrate Pride month! We have celebrated Pride the last several years at Camp and we are continuing this tradition this summer. Pride is an opportunity for us to speak out against discrimination, celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, and create a more inclusive...
Camp George Stands Up Against Racial Injustice
“Some are guilty; all are responsible.”- Abraham Joshua Heschel As a URJ Camp George community, we are committed to the value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and are committed to our responsibility as a Jewish community to stand up against injustice in all...
Changing My Life and Community Through The CG Staff Internship
With the pressure of the ‘real world’ looming, university students are constantly reminded that they need to build their resume, develop hard skills, and position themselves for what’s to come after they graduate. Those who have spent a summer as staff at camp know...
Camp George Changemakers During the Pandemic
During times of crisis, changemakers decide to step up and make a positive difference in the world. We want to introduce you to three changemakers in our Camp George community. Meet Talia, Josh and Max. Each of them has started their own initiative and are making a...