19 Photos To Get You Excited For Opening Day 2019
Counting the days ’til summer 2019? Here are some photos to get you excited for opening day.
12 Awesome Things About Our Staff
The campers of N2 share what they love about their staff.
A Favourite Camp Experience
Campers Rebecca and Halle tell us about their island adventure.
Getting Ready to Lead: A C.I.T. Reflection
Summer 2018 C.I.T. Noah reflects on his experience training to be a staff member.
T’feeling Groovy
Faculty member Cantor Katie Oringel tells us about her time on Maple Lake.
Recognizing Outstanding Staff Leaders with the Sam Award: Sam Gencher
Sam Award recipient Sam Gencher tells us about his decision to support ‘Save A Child’s Heart.’
Recognizing Outstanding Staff Leaders with the Sam Award: Jess Star
Sam Award recipient Jess Star tells us about her decision to support ‘Me to We.’
Hanukkah 2018 Video
Find out how you could win a family fun prize pack, by sharing a Hanukkah video with us.
Receiving the Arthur and Dvora Brown Camp Scholarship
Camp parent Heather Bordo tells us about receiving the Arthur and Dvora Brown Camp Scholarship and sending her daughter to Camp George.