Meet KK and Dan
It is no secret to anyone that Camp George plays a significant role in the life of our family. We met at camp (during the very first summer!), have had the benefit of watching our children grow from infants to real people at camp, and have developed as professionals...
Meet Zach Paul
Camp creates community. I have always known this, but looking back on my years at Camp George has only solidified this idea. I know that my closest friends were made at camp, but my community goes beyond that. My professional life is also improved by my experiences...
Introducing Our Summer 2020 Rosh Barak
We are thrilled to introduce summer 2020 Barak Unit Head, Shelby Rubin .
Happy Birthday Trees!
Today is Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the trees! Check out the different opportunities to give gratitude to the trees and reflect on your own environmental practices.
Get to know our NEW Assistant Director, Jared!
What's Up Camp George! We're so excited to be announcing the latest addition to our Full-Time Team, our new Assistant Director, Jared Kaminsky. We asked Jared a few questions to help our community get to know him. Have a read below, and we can't wait for you to meet...
The Future is BRIGHT with Erin! #GottaGiveToGeorge
Hi! My name is Erin Rayman and I have been going to Camp George for 6 years now. This past summer, I completed the counsellor in training program at camp and hope to be returning as a staff for summer 2020! Camp has provided me with a lot of things; memories that will...
Introducing our new Development Director, Lauren Grundland!
Hello Camp George! You may have seen a new face around camp a few times this summer, and on our Social Media accounts, but we’d like to officially introduce our new Development Director, Lauren Grundland! Lauren grew up going to one of our amazing URJ camps, OSRUI in...
Recognizing Outstanding Staff Leaders with the Sam Award: Miriam and Avner
Each season, two of our summer staff are honoured with the prestigious Sam Award. This award, which was named in honour of past benefactor and committee chair Sam Reisman, was first given in 2007. It is presented to two Camp George staff members who best exemplify the...
Nitzotzot Reflection: Part 2
Nitzotzot campers Marcia, Mala and Misha reflect on summer 2019.