Message from the Director:
Dear Camp George Community,
As we enter the final weeks of 2022, I want to take this time to reflect on what an incredible year it has been; this community continues to amaze us as they hold the values of ‘tikkun olam’ near and dear to our hearts, as demonstrated by our philanthropic endeavors, including, Day of Giving, ‘B’libenu’ Move-a-Thons, Giving Tuesday, and our End of Year Campaign. We want to recognize the continuous support and love that we all have for Camp George. Our Camp families, alumni, lay leaders, and stakeholders continue to make a profound impact year after year. Without you we could not sustain our mission, vision, and values. Most importantly, we could not continue to make camp accessible for all campers seeking to participate in a life changing, identity building, transformative Jewish experience.
2022 is not over yet! We are always grateful for your generous contributions to our community. This year’s impact statement gives you a snapshot of the immense power your gifts have on our community.
We are hopeful for 2023 and another year filled with ruach, kehillah, and ahava.
We couldn’t do it without you!
See the impact you have made in 2022!
Jeff Rose
Camp Director
Message from the Chair of the Camp Council:
Shalom Chaverim (hello friends),
My name is Aly Gampel and I’m honoured to introduce myself to the URJ Camp George family as Chair of the Camp Council.
The Camp Council is composed of a group of volunteers who are dedicated to helping the camp fulfill its mission. With over 25 members, we represent camp’s founders, alumni, parents, staff and Jewish community leaders. Among our mandates, we help build and sustain the culture of philanthropy.
When I enrolled my kids in Mini-Mensch back in 2015, I didn’t know that philanthropy was a part of Jewish camping, nor did I know that friends of camp would be welcome as volunteers and donors. I had grown up a “camp kid” but didn’t understand the difference between a camp that has a lot of Jewish campers and a “Jewish Camp” – where tenets of Judaism are infused in everything. It took one Shabbat at URJ Camp George for me to know that sustaining this magic was meaningful to me personally and vital to the future of a vibrant, inclusive, accessible Jewish future.
There are many important causes, and we all have limited philanthropic energy. So, when I’m asked why “Camp George”, my answer always points back to the fact that we are “URJ” Camp George. Being among the United Reform Jewish (URJ) movement, camp is part of a system that actively practices inclusion. We actively welcome and and practice equality amongst all genders, sexual orientations, abilities and more. I was in my 20’s when my father passed away. When I leaned on Jewish tradition to help me pass the days, I waited up to an hour for enough men to show up at synagogue for a minion. In the URJ movement, each and every one of us counts – and at camp, we see that in practice from the youngest of campers to the counselors and staff.
Thanks to all of Camp’s committed supporters, we are stronger than ever and poised to offer camp’s transformative power to more of our youth. Thank you for joining our Council in supporting URJ Camp George. It is a true privilege to serve this Kehila Kedosha (sacred community).
Yasher Koach URJ Camp George – may we have strength!
On behalf of the URJ Camp George Council

2022 Impact Report: 30 faculty members, ratio of campers to staff, 2:1 (this includes hanhallah and admin), 99 first time campers, 200+ combined years of camp experience on the hanhallah & admin team, 20 Israeli campers and staff, 4 community give backs, 25% of campers who receive scholarship, $100,500 raised for Jcamp180 All Together Now Matching Grant, $10,500 raised for B’Libenu move-a-thon towards scholarship, 10 Gan Matan overnights, 6 canoe trips, 8 shabbats together,2 pride shabbats, 72 first time donors this year. scholarship this year, we raised a total of $67,504.16, from 281 unique donors this is mixed CAD and USD