Greetings from Second Session! It’s hard to believe that we’re only 24 hours into Second Session. It’s amazing to see how quickly our new community has come together with ruach and friendship in only a day. Today was a great first full day of camp, complete with activity rotations, swim tests, sunny weather and a beautiful Shabbat celebration.
Normally, we will provide updates from each of our units every week. Given that it’s only the first full day of camp here are just a few of the things we are excited about that are new for this summer:
NEW menu items –as always, we are committed to healthy living on Maple Lake. We are excited to debut some changes to our menu including new items, the return of some beloved favourites as well as bigger portion sizes.
- A NEW toaster – we’ve added a second toaster to the dining hall!
- NEW programming – we’ve added yoga and mindfulness as an activity area, pickleball will run on our tennis court, and we have expanded our cooking program.
- A NEW ropes course element – you’ll have to wait and see what it is!
- A NEW Zen Den– campers and staff will be able to use this accessible space for a quiet break.
- NEW, innovative and exciting programs for the camp community! Our staff have been working hard getting some amazing programs ready to go for Summer 2019.
Looking ahead to next week, we are excited to begin Nitzotzot Point Adventures, Lehavot Island Adventures, Barak canoe trips, as well as Kochavim and Barak chugim (choice periods). Make sure you also check out our Opening Day video below.
Wishing you a wonderful Shabbat,
Jeff Rose