Greetings from Maple Lake!
After a fantastic start to our 21st summer, we are so thrilled to be celebrating the first Shabbat together with all our campers. The weather has been hot, but that hasn’t stopped us from bonding with our cabin groups and making new friends, all while exploring camp and participating in all the exciting programs and activities that Camp George has to offer. From skiing, paddling, to sailing and swimming, we spent lots of time in the water keeping cool!
On top of all the fun, the food has been great. Our food services team has been working hard to plan and cook delicious meals that are nutritious and tasty. Some of the meal highlights this week have been fajitas, pirogies, spaghetti and meatballs, and chicken Caesar wraps.
In just a few days we have watched our community come together and forge strong bonds – both within cabins and units as well as across the whole camp community. From learning unit cheers, to creating cabin rules, evening programs and lots of adventure programming, it has been an amazing few days. Here’s a sneak peek at what our units have been up to:
Nitzotzot had a fantastic week making lots of new friends and learning a ton about camp! Each cabin participated in their Point Adventure as well as a unique bunk night planned by their cabin staff. The entire unit also worked together to complete an obstacle course at ropes!
Lehavot had a meet and greet between their campers and staff as one of their evening programs. Campers had to guess facts about staff amongst the unit. L6 and L8 went on their first Island Adventure at Gan Matan. They even created a brand new Lehavot cheer!
Kochavim had a spectacular first week learning the unit cheers and getting familiar with the camp. We enjoyed some amazing evening programs like egg drop, unit Jeopardy, and synchronized swimming. This week was filled with smiles and laughs, and we are excited for Shabbat.
Barak had a wonderful first week learning new cheers like Ah Gazumbah, Deep in the Heart of the Camp George Jungle, etc. The unit performed their hearts out at Barak’s Got Talent, and cooled down in the lake after an intense game of Dodgeball.
The CIT’s have had a very exciting first week of camp! They learned the basics of being a staff member by taking care of their “yampers” and bonding together as a kehillah during Evening Programs. The CIT’s also completed their mini placements to prepare for full placements next week. They are having a great time and are looking forward to each other’s EPs starting next week!
In our second week of camp, we are excited about:
- The Camp George Games
- Camp-wide social with DJs from Bounce Entertainment
- CIT Basketball tournament at Camp Northland
- Lehavot Island Adventures
- And tons more…
On Sunday, we will have to say l’hitraot (farewell) to our Nitzotzot 7 Day campers. We know that they are heading home with amazing new memories that will keep them thinking about camp all year long.
Wishing you a wonderful Shabbat.
Jeff Rose