Get to Know Heidi Rybak: Mini Mensch Program Director

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Home » Get to Know Heidi Rybak: Mini Mensch Program Director

Hi Camp George!

My name is Heidi Rybak. I am beyond excited to be heading back to Maple Lake, joining URJ Camp George for the 20th summer as the Mini Mensch Program Director! The Jewish Camp experience has been a huge part of my life and I can’t wait to watch our newest campers as they get their first taste of it.

I spent 7 amazing summers at GUCI (Goldman Union Camp Institute), which, before Camp George, was the closest URJ camp to Toronto.  Along with a group of other kids from synagogues around Toronto (including my own, Temple Har Zion), we boarded a plane and took off to spend a glorious month in Zionsville, Indiana.  For me, camp was a place to discover my Jewish identity and embrace it.  From writing creative evening services, to listening to Rabbi Ron Klotz tell a story at the Shabbat campfire, my love for Judaism and the Jewish camp experience blossomed.  Becoming a part of Camp George in this capacity is my chance to give back as the youngest campers begin their journey.

My first experience with Camp George directly was in 2015 when my oldest daughter attended camp for 2 weeks.  As we expected, she loved it and has been returning ever since.  It was so exciting to listen to her talk about camp, with a big smile.  When she spoke about sharing Shabbat with friends and song sessions and all the things she learned, we knew she had found her home away from home. My oldest is now going into her 4th summer at George and lives for her summers on Maple Lake. This year my youngest daughter is old enough to participate in Mini Mensch.

Fun Fact: Karen Kollins, the associate director of Camp George, was actually MY counsellor one summer at GUCI. When she asked me to join the Camp George family, there was no way I could say no!  Camp is also an extension of our synagogue, Temple Har Zion, where our whole family spends time together, all year round, engaging in services, programming and education.

When I’m not at camp, I work part time as a home stager and as a server, allowing me lots of flexibility to spend time with my family. I am looking forward to reconnecting to the Jewish Camp experience this summer and see the camp through the eyes of not only my children, but yours as well.

See you at camp,
