Meet Ido, a Summer 2018 Shinshin

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Home » Meet Ido, a Summer 2018 Shinshin

Summer 2018 is getting closer! In the mean time, we’d like to introduce you to Ido – one of our summer 2018 staff who is a shinshin in Toronto right now.

Shinshinim, are Israeli’s who are completing what’s called a “Year of Service” before entering the Israeli army. Instead of going directly to the army after high school, these emissaries come to Toronto and work in the Jewish community, teaching students about Israeli life and culture and of course about Hebrew! At the end of the school year, the Shinshinim are placed at a Jewish summer camp to complete their Year of Service. Check out our interview with Ido below!

Where in Israel are you from?

Ido: “Haifa.”
Where are you working in Toronto and what’s the best part of your job?
Ido: “I’m working at Leo Baeck South and Holy Blossom. The best part of the job is shmoozing with kids/people at school and shul.”
What are your hobbies?
Ido: “I love playing guitar, drums, piano and I love singing.”
What has surprised you about living in Toronto?
Ido: “How nice people are.”
 What has it been like living with your host families?
Ido: “It has been incredible, such kind, welcoming and lovely people.”
What’s your favourite food that you’ve tried in Canada?
Ido: “Timbits!!”
What Israeli food do you miss the most?
Ido: “My mom’s food.”
What are you most looking forward to about coming to camp this summer?

Ido: “Playing guitar next to the campfire at night.”

What’s your favourite new English word that you’ve learned (and why)?

Ido: “EH, because nothing is more Canadian!”

What’s your favorite Jewish holiday and why?

Ido: “Passover, because it has an amazing ‘family’ feeling.”

Does your name have a special meaning?

Ido: “Ido was a prophet in the bible, and my parents loved this name.”

What is a hidden talent you have?

Ido: “I am not sure.. maybe singing and playing various instruments? Oh and making connections with people super fast!”