Hey Camp George!
A few months ago, we interviewed Sammy, a CG camper on a mission to help who might otherwise not be able to go to camp. For his Bar Mitzvah project, Sammy made s’more inspired treats to help raise money for camp scholarships. You can read the original blog post here. Read on below to find out the results of Sammy’s awesome project. Kol Hakavod Sammy, thank you for your hard work!
What is the most important lesson you learned from your project?
Sammy: I think the most important thing I learned is that there are so many kids who do not have the same priviledges as I do. If I can help other kids have the opportunity to go to camp or return to camp I can only imagine how appreciative they will be. I never realized how many families need financial assistance so I’m happy to be able to support and help with that.
The other thing I learned is that adults really just love supporting a kid doing a good deed. I got a lot of donations and orders from people I never even knew before but who were introduced to me through other people or social media.
How did the project help you with your Bar Mitzvah?
Sammy: It was a really good platform for my D’var Torah. I think it really made me feel worthy of becoming a Bar Mitzvah and taking on the responsibilities that come with being a young Jewish Adult. It helped me learn to be less entitled. To support people that I didn’t know needed support made me feel more humble. It also taught me to not just assume that we all come from a similar financial situation. Just because we go to the same camp or the same school doesn’t mean anything.
How do you feel now that the project is over?
Sammy: Relieved! Proud. Accomplished. S’mored Out! 😉
What advice do you have for others campers looking to do their own fundraisers?
Sammy: Choose an idea for your project, make a plan, get support from others to spread the word and work hard!! Don’t give up. There were many times when I was overwhelmed with orders and timelines and still having school work and other activities, but I got help from others and tried to make it fun! I had to keep remembering why I was doing this – to help others!!
Believe in yourself and don’t give up!
In the end, how much money did you raise?
Sammy: $3500! I made over 600 s’more pops and over 300 s’more trail mixes!
Anything else?
Sammy: Thank you Camp George for publicizing and supporting my Bar Mitzvah project.